

let's take a nice deeeep

breath together.


let's take a nice deeeep

breath together.

In order to birth something new,

you must first create the space for it.

Enter your email address to receive The Creating Space Meditation, a 5-minute breath work session that will leave you feeling clear & ready for what’s next.

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In this space, we welcome all humans preparing for and recovering from pregnancy and birth.

we celebrate the power of every. single. birth.

we honor the sacred vulnerability and tenderness of postpartum.

we acknowledge that we are stronger in community.

we honor both the light and dark that come with the birth of something new.

Hi, I’m Claire—a yoga teacher & doula for parents & those soon to be in nyc & the hudson valley

Whether you have just begun to think about conceiving… Or you are in the throes of postpartum…

If you’ve landed here, trust it’s no accident.


You are ready to birth something brand new.

It’s a radical thing to choose to change.
It’s a revolutionary idea to grow. To expand.
It takes courage to create.

It takes softening & strengthening & patience to birth new things.


Be it the birth of a new child.

Or a new belief.

Or a new identity to now own and step into.

I’m so glad you’ve arrived.