Hi, I’m Claire,

and I am so happy you’ve arrived.


In order to birth something new,

you must first create the space for it.

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If you’ve landed here, it means you are in the midst of a transformative journey. I am honored that you are allowing me to guide you in some way.

I would love to share my entire path to becoming a doula and specialized yoga teacher, but then we’d probably be here for lifetimes. I’ll try my best to keep it brief and can fill in any gaps or answer questions you may have on our free consultation call.


As a young child I was introduced to the intrinsic polarity of pregnancy and birth—the excitement and the fear, the pain and the joy, the light and the dark. I witnessed my mother suffer a miscarriage and remember the sorrow that lived with us for months after. A few years later, we welcomed a healthy, beautiful baby that I would carry around on my hip singing Shania Twain’s “Honey I’m Home”, pretending to be a stressed-out, overworked mom. I noticed pretty quickly that our society spends an exorbitant amount of time and money trying to make the new baby or babies feel at home and well-adjusted, and that we often neglect to care for the mother or birthing person and honor their transformation, which is just as (if not more) wild and intense as the baby’s.

Now this is where I come in to your story…

Whether you are just starting to think about conceiving or you are trying your freaking best to navigate the choppy waters of the postpartum period, I welcome you to your dedicated healing space with open arms and a Mary Poppins bag full of tools for your body, mind and spirit.

“Birthing is the most profound initiation to spirituality a woman can have.” —Robin Lim

With over 15 years of experience caring for babies and parents, a degree in Psychology and Holistic Health from Clark University, hundreds of hours of yoga and meditation trainings, birth and postpartum doula trainings with Mama Glow and Wyld Birth & Postpartum, and an appetite for learning about both traditional and modern birth practices, there is nothing that brings me more joy and strength than to support and empower you on your unique journey through the process of becoming a parent.

I am here to remind you that you are not alone on this journey.

I am here to both nurture you and challenge you as you birth something brand new.

Calling upon the principles and practices of modern doula care, the yoga tradition, mindfulness meditation, community gatherings, and a savage sense of humor, I am here to help you feel at home within yourself—as you change, as you transform, as you grow—even when it feels all scary and overwhelming.


In this space,

we welcome all humans preparing for and recovering from pregnancy and birth.

we celebrate the power of every. single. birth.

we honor the sacred vulnerability and tenderness of postpartum.

we acknowledge that we are stronger in community.

we honor both the light and dark that come with the birth of something new.